Tuesday, November 17, 2009


When I started this blog a few years ago on a whim (and a suggestion from my sis) I never dreamed I would have a camera crew visit my kitchen and film my family making our morning smoothies!
At the house.

Last Friday the WebMD crew arrived at the house early in the morning to shoot footage of the kids and myself making smoothies and cleaning up afterwards. We then travelled to the Monkeys' school to make applesauce with his class. The applesauce was great, the kids had fun, and I feel pretty good about the whole day! Of course, MY SON, is the one that DID NOT like the applesauce. Sigh.

 Setting up the classroom.

Washing hands.

                                                                   Using the old fashioned apple peeler.

Tossing scraps in the garden compost (more on the garden later).

Checking the texture, almost ready.

The segment will be available on the WebMD website in March or April, I'll keep you posted.  I want to say thanks to friends (and hubby) who worked behind the scenes to make all of this run smoothly and to the WebMD crew that made me feel comfortable and made this a fun experience!  And of course, a very special thank you to the school and the kids!


arkonite_babe said...

you've got an award from me, please stop by arkonitebento.net to collect it!

koala brains said...

What an amazing experience! I can't wait to see the video. Congrats!

I hope you and the fam are doing well. We should try to get together during Christmas break if you will be around. Boo wants to go to the Children's Museum. I'll text you later. :)

La sirène said...

Petty pretty!!

Yoli said...

What a cool mom!

amanda said...

sounds like a great experience!

I can't wait to hear about the school garden! how awesome is that?!